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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy (almost) New Year Activity!

My G&T students love the thrill of a quick research activity...
especially when given the opportunity to share their findings.

So as expected...they loved working on this 
{And I loved it because it incorporated creating a Works Cited, which is something they need to practice.}

I found that New Year's traditions were a great opportunity for research 
and made for a motivating activity to return to after break.  The information to research was limited, so it was nice to go through the motions of a research project without devoting extended time to the research process.

Last year the students completed the above activity in our 4th/5th gifted and talented class.

First, they picked a card that briefly explained a tradition performed by another culture (or our own).
I had my small group G&T 5th grade students complete this individually, 
but am considering using this with my Grade 8 students in partners this year.

They then researched facts and beliefs surrounding the tradition.  
The number of resources and information is limited for this activity. Which is why I like it.  The focus is on using multiple resources and taking the time to create the Works Cited.

They recorded their information on page one of the activity sheet below.
Later to be used as a reference for their brief oral presentation.  I prefer to complete this activity in one day if given the time, because I like this as preparation for impromptu presentations/public speaking... 
changing it up from their much-prepared prezi/ppt presentations of the past.

As they researched, they recorded the websites on the second page.
After researching, they followed the QR code to use to create their citations.

It was a quick and easy activity and could be done over 1-2 days 
depending on the number of students that 

After completing the activity last year and preparing to use it again this year,
I fancied it up with some graphics (they look pretty in color, as compared to these black and white copies, I swear!)

and posted it on TpT!  Enjoy! 

Does anyone do any similar "quick" research and presentation activities? 
I am looking to find or create another for later in the year.


Victoria said...

Hi, Courtney! I found you on the TpT forums. I am your newest follower and put your banner on my page. =)I teach gifted fifth grade! - Victoria (

A Middle School Survival Guide said...

Hi Victoria! Thanks for stopping glad to find another gt teacher! I just visited your blog...thanks for adding my button. I am honored! :)

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