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Friday, December 9, 2011

DIY Catch Ball

I have bought a few Clever Catch Balls and have enjoyed them, however I have found it cheaper {and effective} to make my own.

To the left is a Clever Catch Weather the right is my homemade Fossils beach ball.

The clever catch ball is a great tool for discussing and reviewing prior knowledge at the beginning of a unit....but my DIY has proved to be better for test review.

DIY: I take a beach ball and write review questions for the test on it. I make a few versions and have small groups play with them (or just one for the whole group)! 
It's a great study tool and something fun and different for the students!!


Unknown said...

I own 4 clever catch balls and I do the same thing! I buy a stack of beach balls from the $1 store or Michaels in the summer time and create my own review activities!
I even give out blank ones to the kids and they work together to create one as a test review. We then go outside and "play"!

Happy Holidays!

❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
A Teacher's Treasure

A Middle School Survival Guide said...

Ooh, Mor I love the idea of having students create their own!

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